Serially Controlled DMR

 Serial DMR        Serial DMR Amp

     Line Level Output                   2-Chl 15W Output

This unit is serially controlled with simple one or two byte control strings.  The protocol is 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit and no flow control.  The unit returns feedback bytes to all recognized commands.  The following functions can be initiated:  play one of 254 files, stop, pause, resume, volume up or down, set volume to a specific level (56 increments), mute and un-mute each audio channel, set and cancel looping mode and poll for both status and volume.  This unit also has a tally output (low signal when it is playing, high when not playing a file).  The version of this serial DMR with amplified audio is seen on the right.  The two volume potentiometers can be used to limit the amount of maximum volume that can be achieved using the serially controlled volume strings.



  • Serial DMR $225
  • Serial DMR w/ Amp $300