
ECE’s range of products include AMX Friendly hardware and software, Audio, Lighting & LED, Communications, Power Controllers and more.  Here are a few of the most recent additions:


NEW for 2020:  ECE’s DMX Commander

We developed a way to incorporate DMX lighting control that is triggered by bi-level inputs.  The DMX Commander has six individually triggered DMX channels.  For the last two (Addresses 5 & 6), are only on/off control.  However Addresses 1-4, have user adjustable  brightness and fade time settings.  One of the more intriguing applications would be with a BrightSign mpeg player with GPIOs.  In BrightAuthor, you could program the GPIOs to trigger the DMX channels on and off on its timeline as the video is playing.  To learn more click on this link:  DMX Commander

NEW for 2020:  ECE’s Tri-LED Ramp Commander

There seems to be a trend for exhibit designers to want to add LED strip lights to accent their exhibits.  Most of the ones we are familiar with only provide snap on and snap off capabilities using a hand held IR controller.  IR control is not real adaptive to automation and designers usually like the more graceful fade up and down of their lighting.  We design this device to be inserted between the LED controller and the LED light strips to provide IO triggered activation on and off with a user adjustable fade time. For more information,   Now RGB colored LEDs strips can be faded up and down in whatever color you select with the IR remote.  it is a chase LED controller, the chase can be faded up or down, as well.  If you would like even more control over Chase LED strips see the device in next section down.  For more information on this device click on this link:  Tri-LED Commander

NEW for 2020:  ECE’s LED Chase Commander

While were developing the Tri-LED Ramp Commander, we discovered more and more short comings of the economical chase LED kits on the Internet.  These included:  IR remote control only, no way to revers the chase sequence, can only snap on and off the effect and only eight specific speeds for the chase sequence.  So we developed the LED Chase Commander to add these capabilities.  This device has to IOs to, on the fly: to start and stop the chase seqeunce and to reverse it.  Theri are two potentiometrs on the device so that the user can adjust the speed of the chase and to provide graceful fade up and down actions for it.  For more information, click on this link:  LED Chase Commander